This is me...

This is me...
I'm having a mom moment....

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

This is a Random Post....

I've had a weird couple of weeks.  Between the end of school, the husband's surgery, and everything that has been going on, I have felt a little more scattered than normal.

I have a few articles that I need to write for  my freelance job, and it has been difficult to even accomplish one article a day (I was churning out 4-5 a day without difficulty earlier this year).  I reread what I write and I wonder what the heck I was trying to say.

The husband is recovering from his surgery, but his blood pressure, which was never a problem before has been really high ever since the procedure last week.  He is supposed to go back to work tonight, but this morning he is back at the doctor to try to get some answers.  I am certain that my concern over him has contributed to my recent scatter brained days.

I've been distracted and disjointed.  My oldest daughter had asked about going to a church camp a few weeks ago and I told her that she could, but I just needed to sign her up.  This past weekend, we were talking about doing something later this week, and she said "Well we need to do it before Thursday or I won't be here."  I was like "What?  Where will you be?"  She looked at me with her 9 year old attitude and said "Very funny mom.  I'll be at camp!"  Gulp.  I had totally forgotten about camp.  So Saturday I starting calling around very frantically to fellow church members to try and see if it was possible to still get her in.  Luckily, there was ONE bed left in the 9 year old cabin.  Whew.  If I had to tell her that I had dropped the ball on camp after she was so very excited, I would have felt like a total looser.  More so than usual.  She is going to love it and I know that she'll have an awesome time since they're going to have some sort of talent show.  She regularly does little skits and then ends them by saying "Aaaaaand scene."

It's Summer and I should be sleeping late...but I was up at 6:15 this morning and I will be all this week.  My oldest signed up for a day camp with the local police department.  (And just as a side note, when the cops called to remind us about his camp starting today, I had a mini heart attack because I never get calls from the cops.)  I think that this will be good for him, but I just wish that it started around noon.  My oldest is the rule guy.  He's a legalistic.  So spending a week with the cops will be heaven for him.

The 6 year old has been quirkier than normal lately, and it has been a great stress reliever.  She has this little bitty toy that she has been carrying around for over a week (it is smaller than a Monopoly piece).  It is a whale, that she has named "Quail."  Yep, "Quail the Whale."  If it were anyone else I would tell you that this made absolutely no sense, but with her it is perfectly normal.  She has also developed a very unique style of dress this Summer -- black and white striped shirt with lime green bike shorts that have white polka dots for example.  Again, if it was anyone else, it would seem weird.  She and her little brother are hilarious together -- lots of pretend play and witty banter between them that makes me smile.

And then there's the youngest.  I am beginning to worry about how he is going to do when he starts kindergarten next Fall.  He is super smart, but he is mischievous.  He loves Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Looney Toons, and already has a firm grasp of sarcasm.  And while this is very entertaining at home, I am concerned that his teacher might not appreciate it when he utilizes his sarcasm and humor with her.  I just think that when he walks up to her and says in a husky whisper "I'm Batman.  My parents are dead." or "Obviously, this means war."  she may not get the joke....  And based on his love for Monty Python's Holy Grail, I am just waiting for the call where I have to explain why he would tell his teacher: "I didn't vote for you. You can't expect to be a teacher just because some watery tart threw a sword at you."  (All of which is in the realm of possibility since he has said that crap (and more) to me.

See?  Distracted and disjointed.  I have no idea what the point of this post is.  It's just....random.  

1 comment:

City Slickers said...

It really sounds to me like "A Chip off the Ole Block" they come by it naturally! I always thought that you were 1. Smart 2. Beautiful 3. Extremely witty....still do! You are probably in extremely great mental knots in your rope (Billy Crystal) Keep it up girl! I may not always comment but I often read your blogs. Pop Gregory