This is me...

This is me...
I'm having a mom moment....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spongemom Sweatpants (REVISED)

Okay, here's the deal:  Blogger screwed up.  It was not me, it was them.  I published this great blog a few days ago and then they "temporarily" removed it to fix something and said that everything would be put back right as rain as soon as possible.  THEY LIED.  My post is gone.  So I rewrote it.  THIS post is close to the original, but I honestly don't remember all of my brilliance from that day, so there is a bit of today's brilliance mixed in.  I should also point out that the house is better -- it isn't completely clean yet, (insert shock and awe here), but it is much better.  The 5 hampers have been folded, the dishes have been done twice, the dirty laundry is down to 2 piles (not counting what is currently in the machines), and the bathrooms have been cleaned.  I am quite frustrated by this recent betrayal by Blogger.....I sometimes work on my blog in Word and then copy and paste it here, but not always -- and once it has been published, I usually do not save it.  I may have to start an archive of my own in Word just to make sure that I can always re-post if this happens again.  Anyway, if you missed it before, just know that the first post was better (I think), and if you read the first one, then this one is a little different.  On a somewhat different note, the issues with Blogger have had a detrimental effect on my rating on "Top Mommy Blogs."  I have lost over 30 votes, which I assume were made from the deleted post, so PLEASE vote for me by clicking on that button on the right hand side of the page.  I WAS ranked #20 overall and I have fallen to #29!

Ohhh! who lives in the kitchen, chained to the sink? Sponge mom sweatpants!

That will be me today.  Sigh.  Anyone who reads me regularly knows that I detest cleaning.  Seriously, if they gave out an award for laziness, I'd send someone else to go and pick it up for me.  I can sit amid the chaos of my house and type away on my laptop in blissful denial of the 127 wooden blocks that litter the floor or the 4 piles of dirty laundry in the hall.  But over the past 2 weeks, I have been incredibly neglectful of my chores and now my house looks like I don't know what.  There are toys EVERYWHERE, the 4 minions have used every plastic kid dish that we own to make obstacle courses for Hotwheels, cities to be destroyed by dinosaurs, and even stilts.  There are 5 hampers of clean clothes that need folding and the dirty laundry has taken over the hallway.  The kids' bright blue and bright pink toothpaste is streaked all over the bathroom counter, and the playroom and den look like Toys R' Us threw up all over them. 

As I sit here with my laptop, there are 5 hampers of clean clothes within reach waiting for me to fold them.  I just can't find the motivation or the energy that I used to have as a teenager, and all I can say for certain is that it is not at the bottome of my coffee cup.  What happens to that boundless energy from when we were kids?  I remember not being able to sit still because I was overflowing with the desire to move -- I also remember sleeping for days. Maybe that's the answer.  As teenagers we waver between days of sleeping and days of constant activity.  I remember a week in college where I didn't sleep more than 2 hours a night yet still worked 40 hours and went to class.  Maybe I need a week of sleep to recharge and then I can take on the world again. 

After my birthday a few weeks ago, I was becoming concerned about my age. 37 is very close to 40. I remember when I thought that 40 was "sooooooooo oooooooooold." I don't feel that way anymore. Most everyone in my family has lived past 80, so even at 40 I'm not even halfway done yet. Even though lack of sleep often makes me feel like I'm over the hill, the truth is, I'm still climbing it. The other morning I woke up to a HUGE zit on my chin. Seriously? I just turned 37. I am supposed to be concerned about wrinkles, not acne. It's almost as if God was saying "See? You're not old, your skin can still act like a teenager and so can you."
So today, I will act like a teenager.

I will not clean my room, sleep as much as possible, and spend all of my time on the computer and on the phone. I will play my music too loud, dress like a slob, and.....okay, I just realized that I spend most days acting like a teenager.  I must be young at heart.


Unknown said...

LOL at the first full paragraph. I have four minions, too. :)

Tara said...

Darn kid. Evan is minion #1 and he never signs out of google. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, probably so it is

Anonymous said...

When will you post again ? Been looking forward to this !