This is me...

This is me...
I'm having a mom moment....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Operation Shock and Awe

Operation Parental Visit Preparedness is underway.  Tuesday I did laundry (even folded and put away!) and I did dishes.  I gathered pop tarts and wrappers from the floor, I vacuumed most of the downstairs.  Sort of dusted....I mean, I took a dirty sock and knocked a little dust off of a few shelves.  Today's goal keeps changing....keep reading to see why.

The minions have launched a counter offensive.  Every Lego that my son owns is on the floor upstairs.  The 4 year old freaked out looking for a toy that she has not seen or talked about for months by emptying the toy boxes.  The 2 year old peed on the hall carpet.  And the 7 year old "decorated" for Grandmother's visit by drawing pictures to hang on the walls.....while throwing all 36 of her "first attempts" onto the floor, ripped in half or crumpled.  She also left open markers on her bed.  Her sheets are now polka dotted with big blotches of "washable" marker colors like green, pink, black, red, and yellow.

There are also new Pop Tart crumbs all over my floor and couch from when I vacuumed earlier and something sticky on the table that I have already cleaned.  I haven't started upstairs yet, mainly because I cannot get upstairs.  The 2 youngest have literally COVERED the stairs with every stuffed animal that they own and they say its the rainforest and I can't touch it because its endangered -- thanks for that Diego.

I would like to say that the laundry is done, but there are 6 of us, so laundry is NEVER done.  Add to this the fact that my 4 year old changes clothes 2 or 3 times a day and the 7 year old has her beat by 2 or 3 more.  The 2 year old changes underwear about 3 times a day and HE KEEPS PEEING ON THINGS!    The 9 year old is incapable of picking up after himself and when I asked him for his laundry from upstairs, he brought me a pile.  Some of it was folded.  Because when I had asked him to put his clothes away earlier, he didn't, he just put them on the floor.  So when I told him "Bring me all of the dirty clothes from your floor" he grabbed the clean ones too.  *Sigh*

So looks like maybe I should change "Operation Parental Visit Preparedness" to "Operation Shock and Awe."  I am preparing for my maternal intervention.


Unknown said...

Hi Gingger i am following you,,,please follow me back. Nice blog ya.

Barbara said...

Can't wait to hear the rest of the many hours left until they come?

Counting Caballeros said...

They'll be here tomorrow afternoon. I have a feeling there will be an intervention.....