This is me...

This is me...
I'm having a mom moment....

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is Why I Don't Have Nice Things

Today I was going to mop the bathroom, but thanks to the 2 and 4 year old, I got to do that last night.  It occurred to me that I talk a lot about the things that my kids do, but I've never provided visual aids.  One of my favorite blogs is "Sh*t My Kids Ruined," and a lot of this belongs there.  Soooooo, today's post will be all about the crap that my kids have done that I DO have pictures of, starting with the flooded bathroom from last night.
You can't really tell from the picture, but there is about 2 inches of water on the floor.  This is what happens when you let the 2 and 4 year old get up and go to the bathroom and you don't want to get up because you're watching Biggest Loser.  Who got eliminated becomes a lot less important when you realize that there are splashing sounds when there shouldn't be.  Before I took the picture, I DID turn off the faucet, or there would be 3 inches of water on the floor.

These next 2 are of the carpet in the upstairs bedroom.  Now, there are too many incidents to list that caused this level of destruction, but they include a spilt bottle of ink from a CSI kit, an entire make-up kit, at least 3 bottles of fingernail polish, several markers, and the list goes on.  Let's just say I don't have to worry about getting that pesky deposit back on this rental house.  I'm just not sure that our landlord will buy that this IS normal wear and tear for 4 kids.

And YES, that IS what their room looks like most of the time.  No amount of creative parenting has made them clean it up, and no matter how many times I clean it up, it is back like this within a couple of days.

Now, I don't know what your kids do on rainy days, but mine find ways to torture me.  When I was in the shower, the 2 youngest went and found their sisters art kit.  They pretended it was make-up.

The marker washed off.  After a couple of days.  I have pictures of no fewer than 7 separate incidents like this with just these 2 kids.

There have been MANY incidences of food related messes, but this was one of my favorites.  Jackson was about 18 months old in this picture.  I don't remember what we had for dinner, but we had chocolate pudding for desert.

So this is what happens when you give an 18 month old pudding and walk away.

I would love to provide further photographic evidence of how absolutely insane my life is, and how I am certain that in addition to a college fund, I should also be saving for remodeling, and intense psychotherapy (for them and me), but if I want to share more, I have to go and look for them.  And I'm lazy.   So I will close with a picture that proves that my kids are NOT little demons.

Awwwwwww.....see, I DO have at least 4 beautiful things.


christy said...

Looooooove it!!! It need to post on "Sh*t My Dogs Ruined".... There should be an extra homeowners insurance rider for those with multiple weenie dogs......

Anonymous said...

I just had flashbacks to William at age 7 or 8 - he was supposed to be upstairs getting a bath but instead was trying the trick of filling the tub and avoiding it. He slipped out of the bathroom and left the water running while I was downstairs in the kitchen cleaning up. Next thing I know, water starts dripping through the kitchen ceiling - guess who left the tub running. :-S That was a mell of hess. . .

jerseytomato100 said...

Love the pics! LMAO! I also have 4 kids-17, 7,6, and 3, two of whom have autism. I also have had my rentals ruined by my kids. There's nothing I can do about it-kids make messes! I think if landlords rent to people with young kids, they should 1) expect their house to be wrecked, and 2)NEVER install beige carpeting!!